Sunday, November 27, 2016

Men to America — Thanks for nothing: Glenn Reynolds

While Clinton and Obama were playing the woman card, men and boys were falling behind.

Back during the election campaign, a Fiscal Times columnist warned that even as Hillary Clinton played the woman card, more men were being dealt out of American society:
A key indicator of American male decline is the gender ratio at U.S. colleges. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, women accounted for 43% of enrolleesin degree-granting postsecondary institutions in 1972. The other 57% were men. Forty years later, the ratio had flipped. In 2012, the latest year for which actual data were reported, women made up 57% of the college population, with men representing the remaining 43%. Further, NCES projects that the gap will widen by 2022, when women are expected to reach 61% of the college population. If that projection holds, America will have roughly 14 million female college students and only 10 million male college students.
If men are underrepresented in college, they’re overrepresented in prison, the column continued: “At the end of 2014, almost 93% of inmates in state and federal correctional facilities were male. There were over 1.4 million male prisoners compared with 113,000 female inmates.” State and local prisons are also overwhelmingly filled by men.
It’s not much better at work, with a Bloomberg columnist reporting a "war on men in the workplace.” Outside of high-end tech jobs, men have worse employment prospects and are more likely to be laid off. In fact, after the financial crisis, there was talk of a “man-cession” because men were hit so much harder than women.

Airbus' newest, biggest version of the A350 makes its first flight

TOULOUSE, France -- Airbus flew its new A350-1000 wide-body jet for the first time on Thursday, The jet, the largest twin-jet airplane the European aerospace company has ever made, took off from Airbus’ headquarters near the French city of Toulouse. It's the largest and latest variant of the company's flagship A350 line of jetliners.
The aircraft took off from the Toulouse-Blagnac Airport at 10:42 a.m. local time (4:42 a.m. ET), flying for several hours over southern France before returning.
The A350-1000 will seat between 366 and 440 passengers, depending on the configuration airlines choose for it. Its range of 7,950 miles will enable the jet to connect cities like Boston and Shanghai or Los Angeles and Manchester, England, according to Airbus.
It is powered by the Trent XWB engine, manufactured by Rolls-Royce. The engine is capable of out-putting 97,000 lbs of thrust.
Airbus anticipates the jet will deliver to launch customer Qatar Airways late next year, following a full year of flight testing.
The airplane is the latest installment in Airbus’ A350 program, first launched in 2006. Qatar Airways became the first carrier to take delivery of an A350 in late 2014.
The jets are manufactured with lightweight carbon-fiber composite materials instead of the more traditional aluminum, allowing for greater fuel efficiency and more flier-friendly features, such as larger windows more-comfortable cabin humidity levels.
The first flight of the -1000 is also the latest bid in an ongoing battle for sales in the twin-engine long-haul jet market, a segment that Boeing has dominated for decades.
The two airplane-makers have increasingly attempted to one-up one another in recent years, each trying to outdo the other with ever-larger and more-efficient airplanes.
Airbus' A350-1000 is aimed squarely at dethroning one of Boeing's most popular products, the 777-300, which has sold 809 frames to date. Airbus says the A350-1000 is 25% more fuel efficient and 30 tons lighter than the venerable Boeing jet.
“The -1000 has killed the 777-300ER,” said Airbus CEO Fabrice Bregier during an interview on Thursday. “What we wanted has been achieved, without having even demonstrated it in flight,” he added, noting the performance capabilities of the -1000.

1 killed, 9 injured in New Orleans shooting, police say

A man died and nine other people were injured in a shooting early Sunday in New 
Orleans' French Quarter, police said.
The shooting occurred before 1:30 a.m. CT on Bourbon Street, Chief Michael S. Harrison said during a news conference. Several officers were already on patrol in the French Quarter after the Bayou Classic, a football showdown between Grambling State University and Southern University. The officers who heard the shots fired ran to the scene and found two women and eight men shot.
“We do not have the information about what precipitated the shooting right now, other than shots were fired,” Harrison said.

Mt St Helens National Monument

Tout comme le Mont Rainier, le Mont St Helens est situé dans la Chaîne des Cascades, à environ 160 km au sud de Seattle. Après 123 ans d’inactivité, le volcan du Mont St Helens est entré en éruption le 18 mai 1980.
Cette éruption, égale à 500 fois la bombe larguée sur Hiroshima, a littéralement transformé le paysage. Dans un rayon de 27 km, les arbres ont été couchés par le souffle de l’explosion. 26 ans plus tard, la végétation a repoussé, des arbres ont également été replantés, mais les arbres couchés restent parfaitement visibles, donnant une idée de la puissance des vents générés par l’explosion.
L’ascension vers le sommet du cratère du Mont St Helens démarre dans une forêt de pins Douglas. Puis, après quelques heures de marche, on arrive au bord du cratère à 2549 m d’altitude. La vue est surprenante : au premier plan, le dôme du volcan puis, au loin, les autres volcans de la Chaîne des Cascades : les Monts Rainier, Adams et Hood.
Le nombre de randonneurs autorisés à monter au sommet du Mont St Helens est limité à une cinquantaine par jour. L’unique possibilité d’obtenir une autorisation est de s'inscrire la veille sur le « Climber registre » chez Jack’s, un bar-épicerie situé près de Cougar, où chaque soir vers 18h a lieu le fameux tirage au sort pour connaître les participants à l'ascension.
Une des curiosités du Mont St Helens National Volcanic Monument est Ape Cave (la Caverne du Singe). Il s’agit d’une grotte créée il y a 1900 ans alors que le volcan était entré en activité. La lave de surface se refroidit et durcit rapidement alors que la lave liquide de l'intérieur, encore bouillonnante, continua de s'écouler. A Ape Cave, ce phénomène a créé un tube de 3600 mètres de long, le plus grand du continent américain. Il est possible de louer des torches pour découvrir ce phénomène naturel rare.
Le cratère du Mont Saint Helens a servi de lieu de tournage pour une scène du film de Roger Donaldson : Le Pic de Dante, sorti en 1997.
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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Pelosi, facing challenger, reveals new Democratic leadership picks

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi © Kevin Lamarque
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has announced her list of nominees to serve as Democratic leaders of Congress for the next two years. Pelosi herself faces pressure to step aside for new blood, with the leadership vote just days away.
There will be several Democratic House leadership jobs up for a vote at the end of this month, including the top position, long held by Pelosi, who is about to begin her eighth term as a representative.
With days remaining until the vote, Pelosi announced a “roadmap for going forward.” Congress is set to take office on January 3.
Pelosi plans to nominate Congressman Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico as Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. He became the first Latino to head the DCCC two years ago.
“Ben Ray has always known how, and more importantly, why we fight for a Democratic Majority,” she wrote to her Democratic colleagues Friday.
A major change Pelosi has suggested is having three co-chairs instead of just one for the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee, which is currently chaired by Rep. Steve Israel from New York. As Israel plans to retire, Pelosi is pushing for three replacements to him: Reps. Cheri Bustos of Illinois, Hakeem Jeffries of New York, and Matt Cartwright of Pennsylvania.
“Each of these Members has taken active leadership roles in the DCCC and they too see the relationship between politics and policy,” she explained.


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